PDA: Building a New Alliance

The people spoke at the polls in November 2006: we are tired of war, nonresponse to crises actual and pending, and business as usual with an agenda set out by the “Usual Suspects” in Washington alongside their corporate and special interest allies and enablers. The Democrats sent a majority to the House in November, and Nancy Pelosi has been elected Speaker of the House. We Democrats sent a bare majority of one (counting three Independents who will caucus with the Democrats) to the Senate. The fragile majority is threatened by a single Senator crossing the aisle to the Republican side or falling unable to carryout her or his duties. Even in many of the contested losing elections, Democrats came unbelievably close to gaining House and Senate seats, demonstrating the political pendulum swing we are witnessing.

The Senate right now is extremely important in 2008, as is the Presidency and keeping control of the House. Right now the House can hold up all money bills. In the Senate, however, we are left to the 100 ladies and gentlemen there who have the ability not only to approve treaties and Presidential appointments, but to override Bush vetoes as well. During the less than two years we have left before the General Election, it is imperative that PDA continue its mission of growth while continuing its ongoing agenda of education, action, and support for Progressive candidates.

Right now PDA is operating on a shoestring budget with only four paid full-time employees. Our volunteers staff many of the day-to-day efforts, such as all the State Caucus and Chapter work, as well as on the national level, doing, such tasks as research and action alerts. But, due to the dedication of our members, some 6000 members right now are donating around $8000 per month in direct credit card deductions! As a nonfederal PAC, PDA cannot take more than $5000 in individual contributions, but we do have a mechanism in place for larger donations.

PDA believes that all Americans deserve a widened and level playing field, in all areas of life from politics to health care. We believe most Americans do also. Our imperialistic military-industrial Pay to Play politics need to be made as obsolete as the policies of the Gilded Age of Robber Barons and political machines. A Healthy America, A Peaceful America, Fair Trade and Just Wage, Social and Economic Justice, and Environmental Stewardship is our message. Electing Progressive Democrats is our goal to achieve this. How can you help?

You can help by fighting for an America in which you can take pride again! A United States rooted in peace, a clean environment and an end of corporate control of the political process! How? By joining PDA and volunteering your time or financial resources to the effort to see the America you long for made manifest!

2 Responses to PDA: Building a New Alliance

  1. rachel says:

    i love my escalade!

  2. wickedtrio says:

    Dear Rachel,
    we are very glad you do love your escalade, although we do not know why you would, given the danger of being boiled in oil from the ramparts or else hit by arrow fire or toppled leadder-first downwards to a brutal maiming or death.

    However, given the fact that hand to hand combat is sorely lacking in this day of smart bombs and Tomahawk missiles, we are glad there are still some brave enough to engage in such, especially a woman!

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